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Additional Reading

An overview of Transgender Health. Includes the valuable language, office practices, health disparities, mental health etc.


Founded in 1973, Lambda Legal is the oldest and largest national legal organization whose mission is to achieve full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and those with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work.


The mission of ARCOG is to facilitate and promote professionalism, affirm dedication to the educational process for women's health. The link provided showcases information that Health providers should know concerning the Health Care for Lesbians and Bisexual Women.


Many professionals assume asexuality is the layperson’s term for hypoactive sexual desire disorder. Here is an article of a person who struggle to discover her sexuality. Familiarize yourself with Asexuality and know you have a right to be respected by your mental health professional


This issue brief provides an overview of what is known about LGBT health status, coverage, and access in the United States, and reviews the implications of the ACA, the Supreme Court rulings on marriage equality, and other recent policy developments for LGBT individuals and their families going forward.




Research suggests that lesbian and bisexual women are at increased risk for adverse health outcomes, including overweight and obesity, poor mental health, substance abuse, violence, and barriers to optimal health care resulting from social and economic inequities. Data in this article includes a graph of Health indicators women experience, categorized by sexuality.


Research conducted on the relationships between social determinants of health and experiences of transgender. Findings suggest that transgender experience widespread discrimination in health care, employment, and housing.


This study provides Strong evidence stereotypes and stigma may lead to dramatic disparities in depression, anxiety, stress, and other health outcomes among bisexual individuals in comparison to their heterosexual and homosexual counterparts.


This new website is proudly designed by the HDE 12 class of Winter Quarter 2016
in collaboration with the UC Davis LGBTQIA Resource Center
Priscila Arias | Rebecca Chan | Kenton Goldsby | Carlos Leal | Zeltzin Leos | Rosy Mora |
Rachel Petrie | Tahmina Tasmim | Isaac Tseng
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