Advocacy for Disability
Regional ADA Technical Assistance Centers
Ten regional centers assist businesses, agencies, and people with disabilities to understand their rights and responsibilities under the ADA. Center staff members provide information and referral, publication, inservice presentations, and consultations. The toll-free number will connect you with the center in your region. For ADA publications, factsheets, documents, and web resources, visit adata.org/ada-publications-and-search-portal.
Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (The Access Board)
800/872-2253 (V), 800/993-2822 (TTY)
The Access Board is an independent Federal agency devoted to accessibility for people with disabilities. Staff members develop and maintain accessibility requirements for the built environment, transit vehicles, telecommunications equipment, and for electronic and information technology; provide technical assistance and training on these guidelines and standards; and enforce accessibility standards for federally funded facilities.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
eeoc.gov/facts/ada18.html (employees)
eeoc.gov/facts/ada17.html (employers)
The EEOC is the oversight agency for issues relating to employment and the ADA. The pages listed here contain frequently asked questions regarding the rights and responsibilities of employers and employees with disabilities. If you feel you have been discriminated against regarding employment, contact the EEOC.