Articles Related To BDSM
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Why BDSM is a sexual interest/subculture rather than a pathological symptom of abuse or abnormality:
Richters, J., De Visser, R. O., Rissel, C. E., Grulich, A. E. and Smith, A. M.A. (2008), Demographic and Psychosocial Features of Participants in Bondage and Discipline, “Sadomasochism” or Dominance and Submission (BDSM): Data from a National Survey. Journal of Sexual Medicine
Consent in BDSM, and why 50 Shades of Grey may or may not be consensual:
Barker, Meg. "Consent Is a Grey Area? A Comparison of Understandings of Consent in Fifty Shades of Grey and on the BDSM Blogosphere." SAGE Journals. Sexualities, n.d. Web. <http://sex.sagepub.com/content/16/8/896.full.pdf+html>.
Asexuality and BDSM relationships:
Sloan, Lorca Jolene. "Ace of (BDSM) Clubs: Building Asexual Relationships through BDSM Practice." SAGE Journals. Sexualities, n.d. Web. <http://sex.sagepub.com/content/early/2015/02/27/1363460714550907.full.pdf+html>.
Personality traits associated with BDSM:
Hebert, Ali, and Angela Weaver. "An Examination of Personality Characteristics Associated with BDSM Orientations." Project Muse. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, n.d. Web. <http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/the_canadian_journal_of_human_sexuality/v023/23.2.hebert.html>.