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Personal Stories of Disability in the LGBTQIA Community 

"LGBT's Living With Disabilities: Also Here, Also Queer" A person who is disable and also queer talks about his experiences as both. He specially talks about how the LGBTQIA community treats him.



"Crip’ faces erased from queer life and spaces" A disable LGBTQIA person discusses the misinformation people believe regarded disable queer people, such as sex life.



"Why I Study LGBTQ and Disability in Social Work"



"Microaggressions, Macroaggressions and Disability" Microaggressions are behaviors or statements that do not necessarily reflect malicious intent but can still insult someone. Macro aggressions are actions that are meant to exclude. Read this article to learn more on aggressions.



"Coming Out As...Disabled" If you are newly disable, it may be hard to cope. Here is an article that has tips on what to expect.



"Tips for Newly Disabled People" Bent is a journal for Disable gay men. Covers disability art and culture, gay and straight, to prove that our differentness and our need for inclusiveness can coexist. A place to use your voice.



"We Must Protect Disabled LGBT Adults from Conversion Therapy"




This new website is proudly designed by the HDE 12 class of Winter Quarter 2016
in collaboration with the UC Davis LGBTQIA Resource Center
Priscila Arias | Rebecca Chan | Kenton Goldsby | Carlos Leal | Zeltzin Leos | Rosy Mora |
Rachel Petrie | Tahmina Tasmim | Isaac Tseng
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