It can be hard to know if your relationship is headed down the wrong path. While it’s not always possible to prevent relationship violence, there are steps you can take to try to protect yourself.
If you think your partner might be controlling or abusive, you can:
Trust your feelings. If something doesn’t seem right, take it seriously.
Learn the warning signs of someone who might become controlling or violent.
Get help. Talk to experts in relationship violence.
If your partner is controlling or abusive, it’s better to get help now than to wait. Controlling or violent relationships usually get worse over time.
Remember: if your partner hurts you, it’s not your fault.
“Take Steps to Protect Yourself from Relationship Violence.” Healthfinder.gov. N.p., 29 July 2015. Web. 13 Mar. 2016.
Safe Rides
The Safe Rides service is available to anyone who prefers an alternative to walking alone or in a small group at night. Those using the service are given a ride in a clearly marked security vehicle or are escorted on foot by an Aggie Host Security Officer. All drivers have a valid California driver's license and are trained AHS personnel who have been background checked, fingerprinted, and are in compliance with the California DMV pull system. Additionally, each employee of this program has completed a "Safe Driver Awareness" course administered by UC Davis Staff Development.
To request a safe ride call (530) 754-2677.
Self-Defense Resources
Is self-defense ok?
Avoidance of danger is your first moral responsibility. But when you find yourself in a dangerous situation you could not avoid, defending yourself is absolutely the most moral and ethical course of action. It is also the most effective! Knowing your attacker does not change your right to self-defense, and it should not change your conviction that you are worth defending. Traditionally individuals have been given a selection of options that are either impractical, ineffective or don't cover the whole spectrum of possibilities in which self-protection might be necessary. For example, advice such as "Don't go into dangerous areas at night, stay home" ignores the fact that a high percentage of rapes occur when the person is in their home, and also ignores the fact that some people must work after dark!
There are many forms of self-defense such as Aikido, Capoeira, Hapkido, Kung Fu, and Karate. The Activities and Recreation Center at UC Davis offers certain self-defense classes. UC Davis also offers a PE class for Women’s Self Defense.
“Is Self-Defense OK?” AWARE. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2016.