Asian and Pacific Islander is a broad umbrella term referring to people of Far East Asian, Southeast Asian, South Asian, Native Hawaiian, and/or Pacific Islander decent. The term is used in the United States as part of consensus categorization and on a local level in UC Davis. Students in the University of California system have also adopted API to describe a community of empowerment, tenacity, strength, acceptance, and advocacy. Nationwide there are many small coalitions of API support communities that combine to work towards a movement of equality, education, and empowerment. However, the invisibility of API-LGBT still perpetuates ignorance about API, gender, and lesbian and gay issues in both LGBT and API/POC communities. [1] Therefore these resources here aim to provide API individuals a sense of community and support while bringing visibility and representation as well.
[1] Sears, James Thomas. Williams, Walter L. “Overcoming Heterosexism and Homophobia: Strategies That Work.” Colombia University Press. 1997