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Asian and Pacific Islander is a broad umbrella term referring to people of Far East Asian, Southeast Asian, South Asian, Native Hawaiian, and/or Pacific Islander decent. The term is used in the United States as part of consensus categorization and on a local level in UC Davis. Students in the University of California system have also adopted API to describe a community of empowerment, tenacity, strength, acceptance, and advocacy. Nationwide there are many small coalitions of API support communities that combine to work towards a movement of equality, education, and empowerment. However, the invisibility of API-LGBT still perpetuates ignorance about API, gender, and lesbian and gay issues in both LGBT and API/POC communities. [1] Therefore these resources here aim to provide API individuals a sense of community and support while bringing visibility and representation as well.




[1] Sears, James Thomas. Williams, Walter L. “Overcoming Heterosexism and Homophobia: Strategies That Work.” Colombia University Press. 1997


Asian and Pacific Islander

This new website is proudly designed by the HDE 12 class of Winter Quarter 2016
in collaboration with the UC Davis LGBTQIA Resource Center
Priscila Arias | Rebecca Chan | Kenton Goldsby | Carlos Leal | Zeltzin Leos | Rosy Mora |
Rachel Petrie | Tahmina Tasmim | Isaac Tseng
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