Sexual Attraction Web

“This is a scale for measuring various types of attraction. Each spoke represents a type of attraction, and you fill it out by plotting on each spoke what degree of that attraction you feel towards each gender. The farther the point is from the center, the stronger the attraction. Once you’ve plotted all the points, you can connect all the same-colored points; this will give you a bunch of interesting, possibly overlapping polygon shapes.”
Fantasy: thinking of people in a sexual way, whether or not you have any desire whatsoever to act on those thoughts.
Primary Sexual Attraction: Sexual attraction to someone based on information you get instantly, like their looks or smell.
Secondary Sexual Attraction: Sexual attraction to someone based on the relationship you have with them.
Primary Sexual Desire: Wanting to do something sexual because it’ll feel good to you (physically or emotionally).
Secondary Sexual Desire: Wanting to do something sexual because of your partner’s pleasure, or for some other motivation such as conceiving a child.
Primary Romantic: wanting to be in a romantic relationship with someone in particular, “falling in love”.
Secondary Romantic: wanting to be in a romantic relationship in general, being open to options should someone pursue you romantically.
Aesthetic: wanting to feast your eyes on someone because they’re pretty.
Platonic: wanting to communicate, share ideas, be friends. You don’t have to experience platonic attraction to enjoy having friends; in this context it measures a directed desire to get to know a particular person.
Physical: wanting to touch, hug, cuddle and so on.
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