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Transgender Resources

Transitioning at UC Davis

The Lesbian. Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual Resource Center (LGTBQIARC) is provided to students of all groups here at UC Davis. Their mission is to provide an open and inclusive space for all groups of students, providing awareness about the LBTBQIA community and offering resources to their students. The LGTBQIARC is found in the Student Community Center (SCC) on campus and more information could be found at their website.



Allies and Activism

Transgender Safe Zone:

The LGTBQIARC offers Transgender Safe Zone Training here at UC Davis, providing students with awareness and understanding regarding different gender identities. It is a 2-hour training offered only once a quarter. Check the LGTBQIARC website for current dates and contact elizabeth coté to RSVP at


Frequently Asked Questions by Transgender Youth:

It is important for transgendered individuals to know their rights and capabilities. Visit this website to find out more about finding work, living in safe environments, receiving trans-affirming healthcare, protecting oneself from harassment and finding advocacy.



Resources for Transgender Inclusion

Survivor Project

Information for survivors, articles on DV related to people who are trans or intersex 



Education, advocacy and support primarily focused on FTMs and their partners and families. Special sections on aging and sexual violence


The Network/La Red

Addresses abuse issues in lesbian, bisexual, and transgender women’s communities. Resources in English and Spanish


CUAV (Community United Against Violence)

Multicultural and multi-issue organization in San Francisco working to end violence against the LGBTQ communities. Crisis line, counseling, legal advocacy and emergency assistance.


National LGBTQI Sexual Violence Listserv

To subscribe, email and in body of the email type, “subscribe sv-support”


Trans_Survivors email listserv:

To subscribe, email and in body of the email type, “subscribe trans_survivors”


Trans Accessibility Project: Making Women’s Shelters Accessible to Trans Women


Trans Inclusion Policy Manual for Women’s Organizations


Transitioning Our Shelters: A Guide to Making Homesless Shelters Safe for Transgender People




This new website is proudly designed by the HDE 12 class of Winter Quarter 2016
in collaboration with the UC Davis LGBTQIA Resource Center
Priscila Arias | Rebecca Chan | Kenton Goldsby | Carlos Leal | Zeltzin Leos | Rosy Mora |
Rachel Petrie | Tahmina Tasmim | Isaac Tseng
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